
兑换您的 eBay 优惠券


  • 仅需在 ebay.com 网站上购买符合条件的商品。
  • 在优惠券过期之前使用 PayPal 付款。
  • ebay.com 结账时,根据提示输入您收到的优惠券代码。


1. 本次活动针对 18 岁以上的 eBay 注册用户。

2. 优惠券上标有优惠券代码、优惠券的截止日期、符合条件的购物适用的折扣,以及任何最低消费要求或最高折扣等信息。

3. 优惠券自您收到优惠券之日起生效,如未根据本《使用优惠券的条款和条件》的规定提前取消,则指指优惠券上声明的截止日期结束。优惠券截止时间以太平洋标准时区时间为准。

4. 本次优惠券仅在卖家接受 PayPal 付款且买家使用 PayPal 进行支付时有效。

5. 本次活动期间,任一 eBay 注册用户只能使用一张优惠券。

6. 优惠券上标明的优惠券折扣(及任何最低消费要求),只适用于 ebay.com 上符合条件的物品的售价。

7. 优惠券仅适用于符合条件的购物,且仅适用于在 ebay.com 结账过程中显示的(如本文所述的)物品售价,而不适用于运费、处理费或海关费用、税费、关税或物品价格之外的其他支出和费用。

8. 使用购物车向多个卖家购买物品时,可以使用优惠券。

9. PayPal 支付过程中根据提示输入您收到的优惠券代码,您将就结账时购物车显示交易的最终购买价格获得相应折扣。

10. 优惠券只能在单笔交易中兑换使用。

11. 优惠券在本活动期间只能兑换一次。

12. 优惠券可能仅适用于部分品类或您所在管辖权范围内的部分商品。

13. 您为兑换此优惠券所进行的购买和其他所有活动,必须遵守所有适用法律、法规以及 eBay PayPal 的用户协议和政策。

14. 此优惠券不能和其他任何优惠券、网站折扣、返利、优惠、礼券或其他活动同时享受。

15. 此优惠券无现金价值,不能转让或转发。

16. 此优惠券在禁止使用的地方无效。

17. 您有权收到的任何退款,将不会包含优惠券或其兑换价值。您收到的退款将不会超过您就购买价格实际支付的金额。

18. 本《使用优惠券的条款和条件》应根据您在 eBay 注册站点用户协议的适用法律进行解释和执行,同时所有优惠券使用者在此愿意接受其 eBay 注册站点用户协议所在辖区法院的非专属管辖权。

19. 就与任何优惠券活动相关的任何第三方所提供的任何产品或服务, eBay 不作任何陈述或保证。

20. eBay 将不会对任何第三方的作为或未能提供与任何优惠券活动相关的服务,或与使用优惠券相关而可能产生的任何支出、赔偿、事故、延误、伤害、损失、费用或不便承担任何责任,但因 eBay 疏忽大意而导致的死亡和个人伤害除外。

21. eBay 保留,在其认为有必要进行改变时,随时暂停、修改或取消优惠券活动的权利。 eBay 保留为本优惠券活动添加附加条款及条件的权利。

22. 禁止使用自动化设备或程序进行优惠券兑换。

23. 在(如)有翻译版本后,本《使用优惠券的条款和条件》应以英文版为准。

24. 就本活动,与您签约,并向您提供活动,亦是活动组织者的实体应根据以下规则确定:

    (a) 如果您居住在美国,为 eBay Inc., 2145 Hamilton Ave., San Jose, CA 95125 ;
    (b) 如果您居住在欧盟国家,为 eBay Europe S.à r.l., 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg ;
    (c) 如果您居住在印度,为 eBay India Private Limited, 14th Floor, North Block, R-Tech Park, Western Express Highway, Goregaon (East), Mumbai 400063, Maharashtra ;
    (d) 如果您居住在其他国家,为 eBay International AG, Helvetiastrasse 15/17, 3005, Bern, Switzerland ;
    (a) (d) 项合成并(如适用)单称为“ eBay ”)。 eBay 可通过他的子公司和关联公司实施本活动。

Redeeming your eBay Coupon

How to redeem your coupon:

  • Simply make a purchase on ebay.com in an eligible category;
  • Pay with PayPal before the coupon expiration date;
  • Enter the communicated coupon code in checkout on ebay.com when prompted.

Coupon Terms and Conditions:

1. This offer is open to invited eBay registered users, 18 years of age or older.

2. The coupon code, the expiration date of the coupon, and the discount which applies to the coupon will be set forth in 'My eBay' on ebay.com and/or on the coupon itself.

3. The coupon is valid from the date you receive the coupon, until the expiration stated on the coupon, unless cancelled earlier in accordance with these Coupon Terms and Conditions. The coupon expiration is based on the Pacific Time Zone.

4. This coupon is valid only when you pay with, and the seller accepts, PayPal.

5. Any particular eBay registered user may only take advantage of one such coupon during the current promotion.

6. The coupon discount, as set forth on the coupon itself, is toward the purchase price of eligible items on ebay.com.

7. The coupon may only be applied towards the purchase price of items (as described herein) displayed during checkout on ebay.com for eligible purchases and may not be applied toward the shipping, handling or customs, taxes, duties or other costs or fees which are not included in the item price.

8. When using Cart, the coupon may be used when purchasing from multiple sellers.

9. Enter the communicated coupon code when you are prompted to during the PayPal payment process and you will receive the applicable discount on the final purchase price of your transaction as displayed at checkout in Cart.

10. The coupon must be redeemed in a single transaction.

11. The coupon is redeemable only once during the current promotion.

12. The coupon may be redeemable only in certain categories or for certain items available in your jurisdiction.

13. The purchase you make, and all actions you take to redeem this coupon, must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and eBay and PayPal's User Agreements and policies.

14. This coupon cannot be combined with any other coupon, site discount, rebate, offer, gift certificate or other promotion.

15. This coupon has no cash value, cannot be transferred and cannot be forwarded.

16. This coupon is void where prohibited.

17. Any refund you may be entitled to receive will not include the coupon or its redemption value. You will receive no more than the amount you actually paid towards your purchase price.

18. These Coupon Terms and Conditions will be interpreted, construed and enforced in all aspects in accordance with the laws of, and all users of the coupons hereby submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in, the jurisdiction governing the User Agreement of your eBay site of registration.

19. eBay makes no representations or warranties of any kind regarding any product or service provided by any third party in connection with any coupon promotion.

20. eBay will not be responsible for any third party's performance or failure to perform any services related to any coupon promotion, or for any costs, damages, accident, delay, injury, loss, expense, or inconvenience that may arise in connection with the use of the coupon, provided that nothing shall limit eBay's liability for death or personal injury caused by its negligence.

21. eBay reserves the right to suspend, change or cancel this coupon promotion at any time, in the event of circumstances arising which in eBay’s opinion make it necessary for it to do so. eBay reserves the right to add additional terms and conditions for certain parts of this coupon promotion.

22. Use of automated devices or programs for coupon redemption is prohibited.

23. When and if translated, the English version of these terms and conditions shall be deemed to govern.

24. The entity you are contracting with, is providing you with, and is the organizer of, this promotion, is as follows as applicable:

    (a) if you reside in the United States, eBay Inc., 2145 Hamilton Ave., San Jose, CA 95125;
    (b) if you reside in the European Union, eBay Europe S.à r.l., 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg;
    (c) if you reside in India, eBay India Private Limited, 14th Floor, North Block, R-Tech Park, Western Express Highway, Goregaon (East), Mumbai 400063, Maharashtra;
    (d) if you reside in any other country, eBay International AG, Helvetiastrasse 15/17, 3005, Bern, Switzerland
    ((a) through (d) collectively, and individually as applicable, “eBay”). eBay may carry out this promotion through its subsidiaries and affiliates.