From collectibles to cars, buy and sell all kinds of items on eBay! English beta
          Learn how to list item in eBay's international marketplaces
Why should I sell items on eBay’s international marketplaces?

Reach over 248 million members. In the past 12 months, buyers from 215 different markets purchased items from Hong Kong sellers on eBay.

International buyers generally pay more for your items than buyers in Hong Kong.

Every minute, these international buyers purchase a toy, consumer electronics item, photography item, and more from Hong Kong sellers.

When will this credit offer promotion started ?

Listings with start dates between Saturday, December 1, 2007 00:00:01 HKT and Wednesday , December 31, 2007 23:59:59 HKT will qualify for this promotion offer.

Sellers will receive up to HKD$160 in credit after February 15, 2008.

What should I do ?
Register now to confirm you have interest to participate in this promotion before the deadline of December 26, 2007.

Start listing on the designated sites : or between December 1, 2007 and December 31,2007.

eBay Hong Kong will notify qualified users and credit up to HK$80 on insertion fees & feature fees spent on eBay ( if listing on eBay UK ) or HK$160 ( if listing on both eBay UK and eBay Spain )  after 15 February , 2007.

You have to list on both eBay UK  AND eBay Spain in order to enjoy up to HK160 insertion fees credit.  If you list only on eBay Spain, you cannot enjoy any credit offer.

What are the Fees ?
Click below to see the fee on the designated eBay sites
Who is included ?

Hong Kong residents who are invited by eBay Hong Kong via email on December  1, 2007 and register to participate in this promotion will be eligible for the promotion offer.

Those who are not being invited but participate are not eligible for the promotion.
What is the HK$80 / HK$160 and when can I get it?

The credit will apply to auction & fixed price listings in the sites mentioned above. eBay will first credit insertion fees, and then credit feature fees if any balance remains from the HK$80 / HK$160.

The credit will apply to auction & fixed price listings in the sites mentioned above.

No credit will be given if the listing starts before the promotional period. It also does not include listings created during the promotion period but scheduled to start after the promotion period ends.

No credit will be given if the listings do not comply with eBay listing policies.
The credit is awarded against a debit balance. If there is no debit balance in the account, eBay will attempt to credit the account at the next billing cycle.
Other terms & conditions
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