eBay 跨國交易 > 成功秘訣> 實用英文句型 > 物品結標後

實用英文句型 - 物品結標後


Dear buyer, congratulations! You are the winner of this item. Please send me US$ 20.50(Shipping and handling included) via PayPal within 3 days.

親愛的買家,恭喜你標到了這件物品!請於 3 日內用 PayPal 付款,物品 含運費是 20.50 美元。


Dear buyer, it has been 4 days since the auction ended and I still have not receive the payment. Please contact me immediately.

親愛的買家,物品結標後已 4 天,我尚未收到款項。請盡快和我聯絡。


Thank you the payment has been received. Please tell me where and whom I should deliver this item to. I will leave you a positive feedback , and please do the same for me when you receive the item.




Dear buyer, the item has been shipped out today . It is estimated to arrive about 14 days. Please inform me when it is arrived.

親愛的買家, 物品已於今天寄出估計約 14 天左右會到達。收到物品時請告知一聲。


Q: As of today I still have not received my item, can you please check its delivery status for me?

到今天為止我尚未收到我的物品,可以請你幫我確認寄送的情形呢 ?

A: The item was shipped out 2 weeks ago on 1/30. It should be arriving any time . Let me know if you still don't receive it after a couple more days.

我在兩個星期前( 1/30 )已把物品寄出,應該隨時會寄到。如果你兩天後仍沒收到, 請再通知我。



Dear buyer, I just left you a positive feedback; please do the same for me when the item is received.



Dear buyer, you have not left any feedback for me yet; please do so because I need to know how you thought of my service . Also, feedback is very important for my reputation on eBay .

親愛的買家,你至今尚未留給我評價,請儘快留評價給我,我才能知道你是否滿意我的服務。評價對我在 eBay 的商譽是很重要的。


Q: I received my item today but it has some damages. Can I return the item for a refund ?



A: All sales are final and the policy was stated in my item description. I'm sorry I cannot offer any return service.



A: I do not offer refunds but I can send you a replacement if you send the original item back. Please send to this address XXXXXX and attention to Mr. XXX. You will pay for the shipping of the original item, and I will pay the shipping of the new item.

不提供退款,但是如果你把原物品寄回,我可以換一個新的給你。請將物品寄到: XXXXXX, 收件人: XXX 先生。你需負擔原物品寄回的運費,我則會負擔新品寄送費用。


A: Please send the original item to this address XXXXXX and attention to Mr. XXX. I will refund you the full amount upon receipt of the item. You will pay need to pay for the shipping of the original item.

請將原物品寄到: XXXXXX ;收件人: XXX 先生。收到物品之後我會將全額退還 給你,你需負擔原物品寄回的運費。